
O lado negro da "transparência"

Há algum tempo que ando a pensar escrever algo na linha do artigo de Robert Skidelsky donde retirei estes extractos:
"The market logic of individual choice has been busy destroying the social logic of community. Formerly, leaders of the people were leaders of their communities, often personally known to those whom they served, and jealous of their reputations for probity and fair dealing. Trust was based on local knowledge fortified by continuous contact. The erosion of these powerful constraints on bad behavior was bound to produce a growing demand for public “accountability.”


"A low-trust society is the enemy of freedom. It will produce a juggernaut of escalating regulation and surveillance, which will reduce trust further and encourage cheating. After all, human nature is not only inherently gainful, but also takes satisfaction in gain cunningly achieved – for example, by finding ways round regulations. A free society requires a high degree of trust to reduce the burden of monitoring and control, and trust requires internalized standards of honor, truthfulness, and fairness.

"Systems in which people are trusted to behave well are more likely to produce good behavior than systems in which they are compelled to do so by regulation or fear of legal sanctions. Liberal societies must tolerate some degree of crime and corruption. But there will be less of it than in societies run by bureaucrats, courts, and policeman. In the former communist countries, private crime was virtually non-existent, but state crime was rampant."


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