
Foi como invadir o México depois do ataque japonês a Pearl Harbour

O livro Against All Enemies de Richard Clarke, ex-Coordenador Nacional da Casa Branca para a Segurança, a Protecção de Infraestruturas e o Contra-Terrorismo no Conselho Nacional de Segurança do Presidente revela-nos como funciona a Administração Bush. A realidade confirma e supera o que se suspeitava.

Eis um extracto elucidativo:

By the afternoon on Wednesday (no dia seguinte ao 11 de Setembro), Secretary Rumsfeld was talking about broadening the objectives of our responses and "getting Iraq." Secretary Powell pushed back, urging focus on al Qaeda. Relieved to have some support, I thanked Colin Powell and his deputy, Rich Armitage. "I thought I was missing something here," I vented. "Having been attacked by al Qaeda, for us now to go bombing Iraq in response would be like our invading Mexico after the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbour."

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