
Palpites e previsões

Suponho que isto pode servir para começar a pôr algum senso nas cabeças dos inteligentes que gostariam de ver o Orçamento Geral do Estado revisto todas as semanas para acomodar as últimas previsões do FMI:
"Although people endlessly ask for predictions, they rarely really want the answers. It was only late – too late – in life that I realised that when people said, “We really want you to challenge our ideas,” they mostly did not. They wanted instead to be congratulated on their wisdom. Similarly, when they ask, “What is going to happen?” they seek reaffirmation and reassurance rather than insight into the future.

"The market for clairvoyance has existed through history and is satisfied by messages based on hope and ambiguity. The market for economic prediction is similar. Successful proponents are distinguished by their television manner rather than the accuracy of their forecasts."
PS - Antes que me esqueça: acho muito bem que tenha sido temporariamente aumentado o tecto dos investimentos em obras públicas dispensados de concurso. É o que todas as nações civilizadas farão para tentar que o dinheiro seja gasto a tempo de contrariar o agravamento da depressão.

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